Undergraduate Upper Division
SOC 3150: Modern Sociological Theory
A review of major sociological theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries. Will consider the major works of such pre-World War II writers as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber, and the post-war work of Foucault and others.
- Prer., 9 hours of Sociology or consent instructor.
- Junior standing required.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3210: American Minority Communities
Examines the forces involved in shaping the development of ethnic minority communities in the United States. The course helps students understand contemporary minority communities via analyses of important historical moments, the unique cultures of each of the four large ethnic minorities, and social problems. While each community is examined independently of the others, interethnic relations are seen as important factors in the development of each community.
- Prer. SOC 1110 or Consent of Instructor.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3220: Urban and Community Sociology
The city in terms of its social structure, residential and institutional patternings, processes of interaction, demographic processes and patterns of growth and change.
- Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Prer., SOC 1110 or consent of instructor.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3225: Urban and Community Sociology: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 3220, Urban and Community Sociology. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 3220. Coreq., SOC 3220.
SOC 3230: The Chicano Community
Study of the origin, development, and current order of the Chicano community. Includes studies of the “Barrio,” ethnic identity, social values, and the consequences of prejudice and discrimination.
- Prer., SOC 1110 or SOC 2200.
- Meets with WEST 3230.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3235: Chicano Community: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 3230, Chicano Community. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 3230. Coreq., SOC 3230.
SOC 3240: African American Community
Study of the origin, development, and contemporary nature of the black community. Encourages an understanding of black culture and values, and the consequences of prejudice and discrimination
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Prer., SOC 1110 or SOC 2200
- Meets with WEST 3240.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3270: Native Communities
Examines the development and current nature of indigenous populations world-wide, with in-depth analyses of Native America. Includes issues of social structure, collective identity, cultural survival, and access to resources. Also examines consequences of public policy and development policy. Meets with WEST 3220.
- Prer., WEST 2010, SOC 1110 or SOC 2500.
- Meets with WEST 3220.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3290: Perspectives on Race and Ethnic Relations
A survey of racism, discrimination, prejudice, and relationships between dominant and minority groups in selected areas of the world.
- Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Prer., SOC 2200 or consent of instructor.
- Meets with WEST 3290.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3295: Perspectives on Race and Ethnic Relations: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 3290, Perspectives on Race and Ethnic Relations. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 3290. Coreq., SOC 3290.
SOC 3300: Sociology of Sport
Analysis of sport and its place in the culture life of contemporary societies. Focus on how sport and sport experiences are related to social development, social relations and major spheres of social life such as the economy, political order, education and religion.
- Prer., Soc 1110 or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SL 4000 and SL 5000.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3310: Sociology of the Family
The family as a social institution. Historical development and contemporary cross-cultural analysis with emphasis on the contemporary American family.
- Prer., 6 hours of sociology.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore: Society, Institutions, and Health.
- Meets with WEST 3310.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3320: African American Families
Examines the various manifestations of “Family” within the African American community and highlights the historical and contemporary structural forces which contributed to these shifting arrangements. Emphasis is also placed on gender and class variations in black family experiences.
- Prer., six semester hours of Sociology.
- Meets with WEST 3320.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3340: Food, Health, and Inequality
An introduction to the intersecting areas of food, culture, community, politics, economics, and health. Power dynamics and social structures will be used to examine the risks of hunger, negative health outcomes, and cultural survival
- Approved for LAS Social Science area and Global Awareness requirements.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability; Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Explore: Society, Institutions, and Health.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3345: Food, Health, and Inequality: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 3340, Food, Health, and Inequality. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 3340.
- Prer., Junior or Senior standing. Coreq., SOC 3340.
- 1 Credit
SOC 3350: Sociology of Health and Illness
This course examines the sociological dimensions of health and illness - how health issues are culturally framed; the impact of social position including race, class, and gender; and the social organization and power dynamics of health and healthcare institutions.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3360: Sociology of Drugs and Addiction
Examines the sociological causes and consequences of drug addiction within historical, cultural, and social contexts. Assesses public policy approaches, treatment and social control.
- Prer., SOC 1110.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3400: Criminology
A basic survey course in criminology. The nature and development of law, theories of causation, empirical studies, crime, delinquency, courts, police, and corrections are studied. Approach is multidisciplinary.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Meets with WEST 3470.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3405: Criminology: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 3400, Criminology. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 3400. Coreq., SOC 3400.
- 1 Credit
SOC 3410: Sociology of Law
Emphasis is on the sociology of law, and the influence of the media on perceptions of the legal system. The criminal justice system is analyzed principally from the sociological viewpoint
- Prer., Freshman Writing ENGL 1310.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3490: Youth Gangs
A sociological examination of youth gangs. Factors related to formation and maintenance of youth deviant culture in different historical periods. The social construction of gangs, gang resistance to social control, and criminalization of youth of color. Structural, community and neighborhood influences.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Meets with WEST 3490.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3495: Youth Gangs: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 3490, Youth Gangs. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 3490. Coreq., SOC 3490.
- 1 Credit
SOC 3570: Field Experience in Sociology
Opportunity to obtain academic credit for directed learning in an ongoing social organization. The experience may be paid or volunteer. It is the principle responsibility of the student to obtain access to an appropriate placement. One hour of credit may be earned for each three hours a week of experience, up to a maximum of three credit hours.
- Prer. SOC 1110
- Meets with WEST 3660.
- 1-3 Credits
SOC 3610: Gender and Society
Examines the social construction of gendered difference and the consequences of that difference for individuals, relationships, social institutions, and society in general. The course emphasizes critical analysis and encourages personal contribution.
- Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement.
- Prer., 6 hours of Sociology or consent of instructor.
- 3 Credits
SOC 3640: Sociology of Popular Culture
Survey of critical approaches to leisure popular culture. Specific topics may include advertising, television, music, sport, subcultures and the body in popular culture.
- Prer., SOC 1110
- 3 Credits
SOC 4010: Special Topics in Sociology
Offered to allow intensive study in a specific area on a “Demand” basis.
- Meets with SOC 5010.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4040: Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
SOC 4040 - Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
3 Credits
Examines historical and contemporary theories of gender and sexuality; the course is structured around questions which consider the relationship between masculinities/femininities, ideologies of the family, and the politics of sexuality. Prer., SOC 2250 or SOC 3610 or WEST 2010. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity). Meets with WEST 4040.
SOC 4080: Men and Masculinities
This class undertakes a critical exploration of men and masculinities, exploring men as gendered beings. It explores manhood as a social construct, both historically and cross-culturally, and provides an overview of theories of male gender role development as well as a variety of topics including power and patriarchy; race, class and sexuality; men in families; work; violence; health; friendship and intimacy; men’s movements; and the growing field of men’s studies.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Prer., SOC 1110.
- Meets with WEST 4080.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4090: Research Practicum
Practical experience in application and principles of research design and data processing to a social research problem selected by instructor.
- Prer., SOC 5070 or consent of instructor.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4110: Sociology of Homelessness
Examines the social, political, and economic dimensions of homelessness. Emphasis on the extent, nature and causes of, and societal responses to, homelessness. The course is grounded in a service-learning format, which involves working with homeless service and advocacy organizations.
- Prer., SOC 1110 or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5110
- 3 Credits
SOC 4115: Sociology of Homelessness: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 4110, Sociology of Homelessness. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 4110.
- Coreq., SOC 4110.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4120: Body, Culture, and Power
Introduces the sociological study of the human body and how the body is socially constructed based on culturally relevant norms. Examines the connection between mind and body, interrogates identity and appearance norms, and examines the various body politics perpetuated in American society.
- Prer., 9 hours of sociology or consent of instructor.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4170: Advanced Statistics and Methods
Designed to provide student competence in the appropriate use and interpretation of statistical techniques through multivariate analysis. Advanced research methodology is also introduced. Instruction in the use and application of the SPSS computer program package is stressed. Includes practice in assessing and analyzing large scale databases.
- Prer., SOC 3170.
- Meets with SOC 5170.
- 4 Credits
SOC 4180: Community Organization and Analysis
Study of community variables; economic, cultural, political and social. Comparative analysis of race, class, gender, and ethnicity in community settings and review of a range of research methods.
- Prer., Upper division social science major.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4190: Deviant Behavior
An examination of the definition, nature, perspectives and theories, consequences, and social control of deviant behavior. Various forms of problematic deviant behavior will be examined such as drug abuse, alcoholism, mental illness, suicide, and crime.
- Prer., SOC 1110 or consent of instructor.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4195: Deviant Behaviour: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 4190, Deviant Behavior. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 4190. Coreq., SOC 4190.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4200: Sociology of Poverty
Consideration of structural origins of poverty; the underclass and the dual economy. Analysis and evaluation of consequences of poverty, especially in relation to family, children, and career. Review of antipoverty programs.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Meets with WEST 4200
- 3 Credits
SOC 4205: Sociology of Poverty: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 4200, Sociology of Poverty. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 4200. Coreq., SOC 4200.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4220: Sustainable Urban Development
Study of theories and practical applications of sustainable urban development at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Focuses on the sociological dimensions of urban sustainability including social, racial and regional inequalities, power structures, and ideology. Course emphasizes fieldwork and collaborative learning in local settings.
- Prer., Consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5220.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4225: Sustainable Urban Development: Service Learning Component
Study of theories and practical applications of sustainable urban development at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Focuses on the sociological dimensions of urban sustainability including social, racial and regional inequalities, power structures, and ideology. Course emphasizes fieldwork and collaborative learning in local settings.
- Prer., Consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5220.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4230: Foundations of Disability
SOC 4230: Foundations of Disability Studies
3 Credits
A survey of the interdisciplinary field of disability studies. Course will cover: key concepts in disability studies, the history of people with disabilities, media representations of people with disabilities, bioethical issues involving people with disabilities, and disability culture. Prer., Junior/Senior or Consent of Instructor. Meets with SOC 5230.
SOC 4240: Sociology of Dis/Ability
Assumes a sociological perspective to critically deconstruct traditional and medical interpretations of the meaning of disability. Focuses on the historical and cultural conditions that have produced the condition of disability and how disability intersects with gender, race, class, and sexuality.
- Approved for LAS cultural diversity requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Prer., 9 hours of sociology or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5240
- 3 Credits
SOC 4245: Sociology of Dis/Ability: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 4240, Sociology of Dis/Ability. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 4240. Coreq., SOC 4240.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4250: Sociology of the Environment
Examines how local and global environmental issues intersect with social dynamics of global inequality, poverty, gender, race and religion. Students explore how social activism empowers individuals to fight against corporate and governmental institutional processes affecting the environment.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability
- 3 Credits
SOC 4290: Sport, Film, and Society
This course takes a sociological and intersectional approach to sport film. We will watch films to understand how sports and athletes have been imagined in popular culture. Themes will include representation of race, class, gender, and sexuality; authoritarianism versus egalitarianism; and sportsmanship versus commercialism.
- Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity area requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Prer., SOC 1110.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4300: Sociology of Spor
Advanced analysis of sport from a sociological perspective. This course studies sport as social phenomena, structural relations, and a field of experience that has developed over time. Theoretical perspectives include Marxism, critical race theory, feminist theory, post-structuralism, and figuration theory.
- Prer., 9 hours of sociology or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SL 5000, SOC 5300 and WEST 4300
- 3 Credits
SOC 4310: Class, Stratification and Power
Critical analysis of the theories and research on socioeconomic class and the reproduction of privilege, with a focus on the American class system. Addresses the prevailing cultural ideologies surrounding class as well as the ways in which class intersects with race, gender and sexuality.
- Prer., 9 hours of Sociology or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5310 and WEST 4310.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4320: Religion in Society
Examination of religion as a social and cultural institution; impacts for communities and for society; shaping of religious identities, values, and practices; the role of religion in social control, social conflicts, and social change.
- Prer., 6 hours of Sociology or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5330.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4330: Sociology of Education
Analysis of the school as a social organization. Among the topics considered are power and control in the school; classroom organization and procedures and their relation to learning and personality development in children; role of educators; and reciprocal relations of school and community.
- Prer., 9 Hours of Sociology.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4380: Globalization and Development
Analyzes societies and cultures in light of increasing global interdependency. Studies the interaction between local and global levels in the development process and impacts on areas such as economic organization, technology, environments, political systems, transnational organizations, and everyday life. Comparison of alternative responses to globalization and development.
- Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Sustainability; Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Meets with SOC 5380 and WEST 4380.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4385: Globalization and Development: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 4380, Globalization and Development. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 4380. Coreq., SOC 4380.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4390: Diversity Issues
Examines the impact that categories of difference have on our lives, the nature of discrimination in society, and how systems of inequality and oppression are maintained and perpetuated. Solutions for a more equitable world are identified.
- Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Meets with SOC 5390
- 3 Credits
SOC 4450: Global Field Experience in Sociology
SOC 4450 - Global Field Experience in Sociology
3 Credits
Students develop sociological and interdisciplinary competencies through travel, academic assignments and structured field experience in globalized communities. Alternating topics/locations emphasize how academic knowledge informs real-world endeavors. Includes additional non-tuition costs. May be repeated once with different topic or location. Meets with SOC 5450.
SOC 4460: Field Studies in Sociology
Field based investigation of specific aspects of society, communities or social contexts. Topic and credit vary.
- Prer., Consent of instructor.
- 1-6 Credits
SOC 4470: Intersections of Privilege
SOC 4470 - Intersections of Privilege
1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)
Hybrid/travel course built around the White Privilege Conference, designed to provide foundational knowledge; extend and maximize learning; provide an opportunity to connect the WPC experience with research and best practices in the field; and to apply knowledge gained there. Meets with WEST 2470/4470.
SOC 4480 - Racial Storytelling: Montgomery Travel Course
3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) This hybrid travel course to Montgomery, Alabama uses an interdisciplinary exploration of the ways in which racial history and reality are constructed and given meaning through storytelling and narrative, and the ways in which relations of power imbue these narratives. Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Navigate. Meets with SOC 5480 and WEST 4480. Prer., SOC 3070 or consent of instructor. |
SOC 4490: Sociology Internship
Students will be involved in community and organizational settings where they will gain practical work and networking experience. They will apply critical analysis, social theory, and research methods to their sites for their academic component.
- Prer., Junior or Senior standing, consent of instructor required.
- 3-6 Credits
SOC 4510: Community Development Field Work
Students will be involved in community settings and learn to identify issues in terms of causes and develop proposals of action that might enhance community organization and structure. Pass/Fail only.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4520: Sociology of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Reviews programs demonstrated as effective in reducing criminal and delinquent behavior. Examines social, psychological and behavioral problems that influence intervention within custodial settings in comparison to community based alternatives.
- Meets with SOC 5520.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4530 - Advanced Privilege Studies
3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)
This course focuses on the issue of privilege through a historical and intersectional framework, examining race, gender, dis/ability, sexuality, and other social identities. Students will conduct their own research during this class. Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Summit; Writing Intensive. Prer., SOC 1110 or WEST 1010; SOC 3070; coreq., SOC 3150 or consent of instructor. Meets with SOC 5640 and WEST 4530.
SOC 4560: Internship in Applied Sociology
Participate in supervised activities in a structured program to facilitate learning in conjunction with concurrent cognate course. One hour class time per week plus 3 hours internship for each one hour of credit.
- Prer., Sociology majors only, consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5560.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4570 - Gamification, Simulation, and Society
3 Credits
Critically explores the lessons video games offer as a roadmap for changing human behavior and social reality. Broadly explains the benefits and detriments of using gamification to make everyday life more interesting, meaningful, and engaging. Prer., SOC 1110 or consent of instructor. Meets with SOC 5570.
SOC 4600: Critical Analysis of Capitalism
3 Credits
Critically explores the lessons video games offer as a roadmap for changing human behavior and social reality. Broadly explains the benefits and detriments of using gamification to make everyday life more interesting, meaningful, and engaging. Prer., SOC 1110 or consent of instructor. Meets with SOC 5570.
SOC 4650: Sociology of Mental Illness
A study of the nature, history, perspective and theories, and social control of mental illness. Societal factors related to the prevalence and labeling of mental illness, prepatient and mental hospital patient experiences, contemporary mental health facilities and public policies will be examined.
- Prer., SOC 1110 or consent of instructor.
- Meets with SOC 5650.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4670: Sociology of Death and Dying
Study of mortality, who dies and how, the experience of dying, and ethical and political issues related to life and death. Also includes study of the hospice ideal, social and cultural norms regarding death, and the disruption of interpersonal relationships.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4680: Inequality USA
This course identifies how inequality is defined, measured, studied, and understood by geographers. Students will analyze quantitative and qualitative data sources to explain inequality in the U.S., and will conduct research identifying spaces of inequality in Colorado Springs. Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity requirement.
- Meets with SOC 5680, WEST 4680, GES 4680, GES 5680.
- 4 Credits
SOC 4700: Global Feminisms
Identifies broad trends and changes in feminist interpretations and approaches to sexual politics, race, migration, religion, geopolitics, and globalization. A global look at women’s oppression and strategies of resisting subordination through various transnational feminist praxis, theory, and case studies.
- Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Explore: Society, Institutions, and Health.
- Prer., SOC 1110 or instructor permission.
- Meets with SOC 5700 and WEST 4700.
- 4 Credits
SOC 4960: Juvenile Delinquency
Factors involved in delinquent behavior. Problems of adjustments of delinquents and factors in treatment and post-treatment and adjustment.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).
- Meets with SOC 5960 and WEST 4960.
- 3 Credits
SOC 4965: Juvenile Delinquency: Service Learning Component
This service-learning component is taken in conjunction with SOC 4960, Juvenile Delinquency. The student must volunteer as an intern in a community organization related to the substantive content of SOC 4960. Coreq., SOC 4960.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4980: Capstone Preparatory
This course prepares students to complete a capstone research project in the subsequent semester. Students will: commit to specific research questions and methodological design, have one-on-one meetings with instructor for project feedback and approval, and complete all IRB requirements.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Capstone Experience.
- Prer., SOC 1110 and SOC 2120. Coreq., SOC 3150 and SOC 3170.
- 1 Credit
SOC 4990: The Sociology Capstone
The sociology senior capstone course is designed for sociology majors as a tool to demonstrate their cumulative learning of sociological theory, research methods, and substantive concepts and topics in the discipline.
- Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Capstone Experience.
- Prer., SOC 2120, SOC 3150, SOC 3170.
- 3 Credits