Undergraduate Upper Division Courses


Undergraduate Upper Division

SOC 3070: Social Research Methods
SOC 3150: Modern Sociological Theory
SOC 3170: Social Statistics
SOC 3210: American Minority Communities
SOC 3220: Urban and Community Sociology
SOC 3225: Urban and Community Sociology: Service Learning Component
SOC 3230: The Chicano Community
SOC 3235: Chicano Community: Service Learning Component
SOC 3240: African American Community
SOC 3250: Power, Privilege and Social Difference
SOC 3255: Power, Privilege, and Social Difference: Service Learning Component
SOC 3270: Native Communities
SOC 3290: Perspectives on Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 3295: Perspectives on Race and Ethnic Relations: Service Learning Component
SOC 3300: Sociology of Sport
SOC 3310: Sociology of the Family
SOC 3320: African American Families
SOC 3340: Food, Health, and Inequality
SOC 3345: Food, Health, and Inequality: Service Learning Component
SOC 3350: Sociology of Health and Illness
SOC 3360: Sociology of Drugs and Addiction
SOC 3400: Criminology
SOC 3405: Criminology: Service Learning Component
SOC 3410: Sociology of Law
SOC 3490: Youth Gangs
SOC 3495: Youth Gangs: Service Learning Component
SOC 3570: Field Experience in Sociology
SOC 3600: Social Psychology
SOC 3610: Gender and Society
SOC 4010: Special Topics in Sociology
SOC 4040:Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
SOC 4080: Men and Masculinities
SOC 4090: Research Practicum
SOC 4110: Sociology of Homelessness
SOC 4115: Sociology of Homelessness: Service Learning Component
SOC 4120: Body, Culture, and Power
SOC 4150: Social Theory II
SOC 4170: Advanced Statistics and Methods
SOC 4180: Community Organization and Analysis
SOC 4190: Deviant Behavior
SOC 4195: Deviant Behaviour: Service Learning Component
SOC 4200: Sociology of Poverty
SOC 4205: Sociology of Poverty: Service Learning Component
SOC 4210: Social Services and Welfare Reform
SOC 4220: Sustainable Urban Development
SOC 4225: Sustainable Urban Development: Service Learning Component
SOC 4230: Foundations of Disability
SOC 4240: Sociology of Dis/Ability
SOC 4245: Sociology of Dis/Ability: Service Learning Component
SOC 4250: Sociology of the Environment
SOC 4290: Sport, Film, and Society
SOC 4300: Sociology of Sport
SOC 4310: Class, Stratification and Power
SOC 4320: Religion in Society
SOC 4330: Sociology of Education
SOC 4380: Globalization and Development
SOC 4385: Globalization and Development: Service Learning Component
SOC 4390: Diversity Issues
SOC 4400: Contemporary Social Movements
SOC 4450: Global Field Experience in Sociology
SOC 4460: Field Studies in Sociology
SOC 4470: Intersections of Privilege
SOC 4480 - Racial Storytelling: Montgomery Travel Course
SOC 4490: Sociology Internship
SOC 4510: Community Development Field Work
SOC 4520: Sociology of Corrections and Rehabilitation
SOC 4530 - Advanced Privilege Studies
SOC 4570 - Gamification, Simulation, and Society
SOC 4560: Internship in Applied Sociology
SOC 4600: Critical Analysis of Capitalism
SOC 4630: Social Self and Identity
SOC 4650: Sociology of Mental Illness
SOC 4670: Sociology of Death and Dying
SOC 4680: Inequality USA
SOC 4700: Global Feminisms
SOC 4960: Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 4965: Juvenile Delinquency: Service Learning Component
SOC 4980: Capstone Preparatory
SOC 4990: The Sociology Capstone