The scholarship provides a $4000/year grant ($2000/semester for fall and spring) and $4000 TA or Teaching Assistantship ($2000/semester for fall and spring). Students are eligible for the scholarship if they are enrolled full time (5 or more credit hours) in a UCCS graduate program and are a first year graduate student who has a 3.33 or greater undergraduate GPA. Students do not need to apply separately for this scholarship.
The scholarship provides a $4000/year grant ($2000/semester for fall and spring) and $4000 TA or Teaching Assistantship ($2000/semester for fall and spring). Students are eligible for the scholarship if they are enrolled full time (5 or more credit hours) in a UCCS graduate program and are a first year graduate student who has a 3.33 or greater undergraduate GPA. Students do not need to apply separately for this scholarship. The Graduate Director will review submitted applications in the spring semester and will submit a list of qualified applicants to the sociology department faculty. The faculty will then review each applicant's file and select one student to receive the Out of State Recruitment Scholarship.