Morgen Thomas, MA
Teaching Professor Department of SociologyBiographical Information
Morgen earned her Bachelor's degree in sociology and psychology with a minor in women's studies, and her Master's degree in sociology at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, with an emphasis on sociology of the body
She teaches Introduction to Sociology I & II at the community college level, and The Body, Culture & Power, Sex & Society, Social Psychology, Sociology of Aging, and Introduction to Gerontology at the university level. Her research interests and areas of specialization include non-mainstream body modification, intentional ordeals as rites of passage and reclamation, sex, gender, sexuality, and embodiment in relation to definitions of disability and identity. She is a certified yoga teacher with special emphasis on adaptive yoga for people with physical disabilities. She is an award winning commercial and documentary copywriter, copy editor, and producer. She also conducts creative writing workshops on embodied communication for character development and is published in fiction, creative nonfiction, journalism, and peer reviewed academic research.
Recent Publications
Sick/Beautiful/Freak: Nonmainstream Body Modification and the Social Construction of Deviance
The Ghosts of Cripple Creek
In the beginning...