Sociology Capstone Requirement

The sociology department has changed the capstone requirement for the sociology major.

Starting in Fall 2016, sociology majors are able to choose between two "tracks" to complete the capstone requirement, a regular track and a honors track.

Starting Fall 2022, the sociology department will change the capstone requirement. Students will be provided a list of Capstone courses and they will sign-up for a one credit hour add-on option to conduct primary research. The course along with the add-on option will meet the students’ capstone requirement.

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Regular Track

A regular track student will take one (typically 4000 level) course specifically identified as a Capstone Flagged Course. Courses that are capstone-flagged will all include some sort of individual primary research project. A course can be identified as both "substantive" and "capstone-flagged"-in which case it will fulfill both requirements (double-dipping is ok). Courses taken prior to Fall 2016 cannot count as "capstone-flagged."

View Courses (PDF)

Honors Track

An honors track student will sign up for 4980 and 4990 with a specific professor, who will be their advisor for a year-long research project run more like an independent study (but using the 4980/4990 course numbers). Upon successful completion, they will graduate with departmental honors. Students interested in completing an honors project will complete the Honors Capstone form with their advisor.

View Application (DOCX)